Graduate Medical Education – Wellness
2023 Key Focus Areas
Work Hour Flexibility
Enhancing Meaning
Solutions for EHR Inefficiency

Physical Wellness
Our clinic has a fitness facility on site with access 24/7 for all staff and providers of the Spokane Teaching Health Center

Benefits and Discounts
STHC residents are Providence employees and have access to a variety of benefits and service discounts. Check out your benefits portals below to see the most up to date deals!
About the Wellness Committee
The Spokane Teaching Health Center and Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center have implemented a Wellness Committee into our GME department. The committee consists of residents, faculty and administration from the GME office to create a diverse setting for wellness enhancements. Currently, we have 20+ members on the committee, including our DIO for the Spokane Teaching Health Center. The diversity in experience and job roles helps us better understand ways to implement wellness into our GME community, including wellness for the supportive staff for the residents and faculty.
Previous Wellness Activities:
Clinic Advancements: