Rural Training Track – Sub-Internship
About the Sub-I
When you come to Colville, you join a prestigious legacy of rural training. You follow in the footsteps of pioneering physicians who helped to design, develop and disseminate the rural training paradigm in this country. You come behind trail blazing female rural doctors who broke barriers. You are integrated into a system that produces passionate, empathetic community medicine practitioners who advocate for their profession and their patients. You are exposed to a culture of excellence, teamwork, and innovation that drives you forward into your practice. You learn how to lead your community and you learn how to listen. You develop skills to balance work life with the rest of life as you explore the great inland Northwest and the mountains and valleys of Stevens County. And when you graduate, you invariably take your place in our legacy as a highly skilled, compassionate, independent-minded, family medicine physician capable of truly full scope practice.
Purpose, Goals, and Outcomes
1. To expose medical students to the practice of full spectrum family medicine
2. To help students understand health challenges facing rural populations
3. To develop foundational skills of students in outpatient and inpatient procedures
4. To facilitate the transition of medical students to more independent practice in the exam room, the emergency department and the hospital wards.

Student Schedule
Medical students are paired with senior residents and faculty attendings throughout their sub internship. The schedule is 5 days per week, generally 8-10 hour days. The student has exposure to clinic medicine several days per week, takes shifts in the ER, has 1 week of inpatient hospitalist shifts and can participate in OB experiences if desired. Generally the student is paired with a different resident for each week of the rotation and participates in the same activities as that resident throughout the week. This develops a bond between student and resident and provides a great opportunity for teaching and mentorship. Students are also expected to attend weekly didactic activities and present on topics of interest to them during this time.
· Core family medicine content is delivered informally during patient interactions from senior residents and attendings.
· Readings and lecture attendance are required activities during 4 hour didactic sessions weekly.
· One 30-45 min presentation on topic of student’s interest is expected.
· One case review to be presented during didactic activities.
· Assessment is completed via a summative evaluation process with input from senior residents and attendings and compiled by the site director in narrative form.
· Completion of one presentation and one case review.
Applications welcome in April of each year
Contact Us

Cally Rehn
Program Administrative Assistant
Rural Training Track Residency
1200 E Columbia Ave
Colville, WA 99114
P (509) 685-4015